Faust Distributing Company
10040 East Freeway
Houston, TX 77029
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Phone: (713) 673-5111
Fax: (713) 671-5260
Email: info@faustdistributing.com
Directions from West Houston
- Take I-10 heading East and exit Gellhorn Dr.
- Follow the service road for .8 miles and turn left onto Market St.
- Turn left onto the East Fwy service road and continue for 1 mile.
- Our entrance is on the right.
Directions from East Houston
- Take I-10 heading west and exit Mercury Dr.
- Turn left on Mercury and then right on Market St.
- Continue on Market St for 1 mile
- Turn right onto the East Fwy service road and continue for 1 mile.
- Our entrance is on the right.
Directions from North Houston
- Take 610 Loop heading south and exit Gellhorn Dr.
- Turn right on Gellhorn and go .8 miles
- Turn left onto East Fwy service road and go .8 miles
- Then turn left onto Market St.
- Turn left onto the East Fwy service road and continue for 1 mile.
- Our entrance is on the right.
Directions from South Houston
- Take 610 Loop heading north and exit Market St.
- Continue through the traffic light
- Follow the East Fwy service road and continue for 1 mile.
- Our entrance is on the right.